What We Learned From 2020
Matthew J. Bellisario 2021
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This does a lot of good right? |
Most of us are starting off the new year of 2021 hoping that 2020 is long behind us. Personally I hope to never see another mask again, but I doubt that is going to change any time soon. The new year however as much as we hope will be an improvement over 2020, it would be prudent to take a look at what we learned from the past year. What we experienced this past year may well hold the key for the difficulties we will probably face over the next several years. What have we learned from 2020?
1. Freedom is not guaranteed, coercion is.
In the US most of us have taken the freedom that have for granted. We learned quickly that these freedoms could be usurped at any time as long as the government deems there to be appropriate circumstances which constitute for them an emergency. Politicians on both the left and right have used the Coronavirus to take advantage of not only us in the US, but free men across the globe. Politicians along with the big banks, corporate entities and other interest groups that control them, have made it clear that they can take away our freedom at will. What is worse is that most people are more than willing to give that freedom up. With little effort the politicians, mainstream media and the corporate
entities who control them have had little trouble making everyone wear
masks which science has proven to have little effect on the spread of
the tiny virus. In fact, much of which pass for masks are more see through fabric than anything else Figures like Fauci are now talking about mandatory vaccines for any significant travel. How far will the coercion go? 2020 is the year that we have begun brushing on the final coats of painting ourselves into a corner of forced government and private corporate compliance which will severely limit our freedom of movement and possibly if we are not careful, our ultimate freedom to worship. I believe that 2021 will be test to see how far they can really push this coercion.
2. Worshiping God is not too important for most folks.
2020 has taught us that most people who go to church on Sunday really don't have too much of a commitment to it. This also includes Catholics since we have lost somewhere around 50% of our attendance to our Sunday Mass obligation. Most of the bishops cancelled Easter of 2020 with little to no remorse, and again what is worse is that most Catholics were more than willing to give it up. Certainly we can view this as a pruning of those who were not really that dedicated to the their faith before the shutdown, but more importantly it offers us a snapshot of how a large portion of church goers view the importance of the freedom to worship. Although thankfully there have been a few more bishops now coming out defending our right to worship, the bottom line is, they can take away the Mass from us and the remaining committed voice is not as large as we once thought it was to offer any substantial opposition. 2021 will see more court cases, to which so far have thankfully been in our favor to this point.
3. Politicians are controlled by the wealthy elite entities that got them there.
If I can recommend one book to you that I read this year it would be Ted Flynn's 'The Hope of the Wicked.' Although a bit dated, the information in the book is priceless and it really paints the picture of what we have going on right now in our country and across the globe. The book is quite prophetic. It points out how the global banks, large corporate interests and other wealthy figures have slowly but surely secured most of the global wealth and political control. Most of the politicians in either party that we have in high offices here in the US are put there by big money. Do you ever stop to think about how the banks never lose? Doesn't it peak your interest as to why both parties bail the banks out and how they can use tax money so that they can loan it back to us with interest? Do you wonder why both parties can pass a nauseating 900 billion dollar stimulus package with your money to which you get a mere 600 bucks out of it? If someone told you that you were going in debt for around 300,000 dollars and that you were going to get 600 bucks of it, would you go for that? Again, what is worse is that most of us are grateful to crawl before the "King" and lick that 600 dollar crumb off the floor while they give the rest to their constituents across the globe who will keep them in power.
4. Cultural education has declined and been malformed more than we thought.
To put it bluntly, our current society is populated by the most ignorant people who arrogantly think they are geniuses. We are living in the land of the blind leading the blind. Unless you are over 40 you probably never learned anything substantial about world or US history, and what you did learn was probably wrong. The fact that a large number of US citizens are supporting socialism illustrates this fact very clearly. The quality of college education has slowly eroded and been infiltrated by the wealthy elite who control the curriculum, which in turn mal-educates our youth What is worse, again, is that most people, even those who should know better are willing to go along with crazy ideologies such as socialism. I am sounding like a vinyl record with a skip in it right?
5. Virtual reality rules many and separates the non-conformists.
The final and very important point that I want to make is that a large portion of our society lives in a virtual fantasy land which can change from day to day. Social media and the Internet constitutes for many, their realm of reality. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google and the other numerous social media platforms are how many connect now rather than face to face. Even those who meet face to face never see each other because they are wearing a mask. A vast majority get their news online and from only a few sources which are again controlled by the corporate elite who only tell you what they want to tell you and when they want to tell you. The Internet, while having its good qualities, is largely controlled by the elite and as a result they have essentially created a virtual reality from which it is easy to control a large portion of the population. These large corporate media companies are doing a good job of creating a virtual reality to which many have become enslaved. For those who are not going along with their virtual reality, they are being painted as the enemy. What is worse? Yes, again, its that most of us to some extent are going along with it. 2021 is surely to be another landmark year for seeing how much further they can enslave us to their created virtual fantasy land which can change at any moment depending on what is expedient for them.
Further predictions.
What does 2021 hold for us in general?
I am no prophet but I think that we are going to be tested further by the arrogant elites who think that they can create a paradise on earth by forcing everyone to comply to their crazy ideology. I think that we are going to see more division in society in general over the political environment that is sure to be a roller-coaster over the next four years. My one prediction (I hope I am proven wrong) is that the US will be involved in another major armed conflict because that is that the banking elite want. It looks like in 2021 they will have the White House occupied so they will have no opposition to their nefarious plans. Both Democrat and Republican alike will be on board for another war to which again the global banking elites will benefit from.
What does 2021 hold for us in the Church?
I think that 2021 will continue to separate the wheat from the chaff. The faithful Catholics are going to become more traditional and stronger in their commitment to Christ while the rest will keep falling away. The Church will continue to get smaller but more focused and more faithful. I think that we are going to see more confusion come from Rome, but that is not much a prediction is it? Will 2021 be a better year than 2020? I certainly hope so, but there is a good chance it could be worse. Without God things always go downhill and I personally do not see a changing of the moral course we are on as a society. Let us pray that God will guide us through whatever tests we have to endure in 2021 and that we may come closer to Him as a result of them.
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