Book Review: After the Warning 2038

Book Review: After the Warning 2038
Matthew Bellisario O.P. 2020


How serious should Catholics take the many Marian apparitions and locutions that have taken place over the history of the Church? There are many which have been approved by the Church all the way up to the highest authorities. Some are approved only by the local ordinary, some have not been decided upon and some have been declared to be not credible. These different levels of approval certainly demand different a different faith response of the Catholic faithful.

Today’s climate concerning Our Lady’s private revelations is a controversial one. While the apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima, for example, are popular among the faithful, others that have support from the local bishops such as Akita, Kibeho, and La Salette are far less popular and even shunned by many in the Church. All of these are considered to be private revelations that have local support of the bishops, but those such as Lourdes and Fatima have substantially more support from the Church including many popes, cardinals, and recognition from prominent theologians of the Church. This indeed gives them more credibility.

What is the obligation of the faithful concerning the messages of these apparitions? It is true that objectively speaking these private revelations do not demand that the faithful accept them as they do the closed deposit of Divine Revelation. In fact, if they are authentic, they only support or reiterate the deposit of faith in relation to a specific context or period of time for which they have been revealed. There are however different levels of these apparitions and these do imply different levels of acceptance by the faithful. These private apparitions I have separated into four general kinds, 1. Those rejected by the local ordinary without opposition from the higher level of the Magisterium such as the CDF, the pope, or a commission put together by the pope, which could overrule the local bishop,  2. Those which have not been declared by the local ordinary to be authentic or non-authentic, 3. Those declared by the local ordinary to be of probable supernatural origin and finally, 4. Those declared by the ordinary to be of the probable supernatural order, and are openly supported by the higher Magisterium and hence a large following of the faithful.

Obviously, those declared to be of dubious origin by the local bishops do not put any obligation on the faithful whatsoever nor do those that have not been decided upon by the local ordinary. Those that the local ordinary declares to be of probable authenticity may only oblige the faithful under the order prudential judgment, meaning that if the messages are calling for the faithful to live the faith in a more fervent manner and they obstinately refuse to heed the call then they can be responsible for not cooperating with a particular grace sent by God. Those that fall into the fourth level which the apparition has been openly supported by all levels of the Magisterium put an even higher obligation of the faithful to heed the messages and put them into action. Again, this obligation does not fall under an obligation to accept them as one would Divine Revelation, nonetheless one could be negligent in the same manner as when God offers a particular grace, and one rejects it. The apparitions then such as Lourdes, Fatima, and Guadalupe which enjoy the immense open support of the popes, the clergy and the faithful worldwide do demand more an obligation for the faithful to heed Our Lady’s messages under these titles and apparitions. For example, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima was approved by the local ordinary in 1930; and it has since been added to the Church’s calendar in 2002. Can a Catholic in good faith completely dismiss the messages of Fatima? Are they merely a private revelation that can only be taken with a grain of salt?

Approved apparitions such as those of Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Knock, and many others are made manifest by God to reinforce a neglected teaching or spiritual practice of the Church most often because of the sinful state of the people of that particular time. It is no secret that since the 1600s or even earlier, mankind has been declining in morality, most noticeably concerning human sexuality and the family. As a result of the impending disastrous consequences of this rampant sin, Our Lord has sent His Mother many times to offer us not only a warning but a solution to the problem. Many times over again Our Lady has asked us to stop sinning, to start praying and offering penance for our sins. This includes the daily requirement of praying the Rosary. If indeed these messages are to be taken seriously as the Church has taken them at its highest levels, would it not be spiritually negligent to dismiss them as non-essential to living our faith? This is an important question to answer. One does not have to be apparition chaser in order to take these events seriously and implement what our Lady has revealed through them.

The book 'After the Warning 2038' makes a strong case for heeding these many warnings but also ventures further into mining the many prophecies and locutions given to many different Saints, and alleged seers that relate to the consequences of our sinful culture and what we can expect in the near future. With the current coronavirus chaos and everything surrounding it including the geopolitical theatre, this book offers some insight into what may be the birth pangs of an upcoming severe chastisement. While I may not agree with every conclusion in the book nor every quoted apparition or seer as being authentic, I do find the compiled information and many of the prophecies in it to be of immense importance. Am I recommending the book? With some caveats, I will say that it may be beneficial for more discerning Catholics.

The Book and the Fifth Age of the Church

This impressive work clocks in at over 400 pages including the bibliography and the references. The author, Bruce Cyr has done an impressive job of compiling and analyzing hundreds of messages given by Catholic seers over the past 250 or so years. The central theme of the book revolves around the seven ages of the Church that were given by Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser as found in the manuscripts at Bamberg, Ratisbon, and Vienna. (Page 13) The book makes the case that we are coming to the end of the fifth age of the Church spanning from 1520 to 2038, which will end with a unique spiritual 'Warning', followed by a great chastisement and finally the triumph of the Great Catholic Monarch in 2038 in which Our Lady will triumph.

While I have no doubt as to the upcoming chastisements which Our Lady has repeatedly warned us about in almost all of the approved apparitions including Fatima, Akita, Kibeho, and many others, I am not convinced of every conclusion the author draws concerning these events. One of the core claims in the book is that of a great spiritual 'Warning' which will come before the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in which God will strike every person on earth with a spiritual examination of conscience revealing the gravity of their sins. This unique opportunity for the conversion of sinners is known simply as 'The Warning' or 'The Illumination of Conscience.' This upcoming 'Warning' has been revealed most notably at Garabandal, Spain, and at Medjugorje, although there are other seers which have alluded to such an event such as Marie Julie Jahenny, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, and Saint Edmund Campion. The author claims that this 'Warning' must come before the death of Benedict XVI (Page 174), so it will be interesting to see how things proceed since Benedict just turned 93. It seems this 'Warning' or Illumination of Conscience' is soon to be upon us. If Benedict dies and we have not seen it, it has been grossly misunderstood or completely incorrect. Do I find the evidence for this 'Warning' to be credible? As with all things concerning prophecy, I am hesitant to declare this with absolute certainty, but the author has presented a quite convincing case. Only time will tell the truth of this particular matter.

The Historical Survey

One of the most enjoyable elements of the book is its overview of the critical historical events over the past 500 years beginning primarily with the Protestant Reformation. The book begins by giving an account of the decline of Western Civilization discussing the Reformation and Pope Leo X, the Reign of Charles V, the arch-heretic Martin Luther, the great adulterer King Henry VIII and the calling of the important Council of Trent. The French Revolution and Communism are covered in detail including the Masonic elements and other sects that have infiltrated society and the Church. The World Wars are covered along with interesting information on the Federal Reserve and the world banking system.

Marian Apparitions and Medugorje 

Along with the account of these events are intertwined many of the critical Marian apparitions such as those of Guadalupe, the Miraculous Medal, La Salette, Lourdes, and Fatima which address particular events taking place. We can see then why Our lady appears and why she gives certain messages for the faithful at that particular time. While I find that much of this information is useful, some of the emphasis on apparitions such as Medugorje and the promotion of the Charismatic Movement to personally be a bit offputting. It is with some of these seers that I have apprehension.

The elephant in the room for those reading this book is going to be Medjugorje. This apparition usually presents with no middle ground. Interestingly enough, most Catholics are either all in or all out on this one. While personally, I have had my reservations as to its authenticity, I don't think it makes or breaks the book. There are many other more credible apparitions which also convey similar messages such as those pertaining to the upcoming chastisements. Those however that are completely opposed to Medjugorje may find it tough going through some parts of the book. The author ties in the alleged Ten Secrets of Medjugorje to the other prophecies. Personally, I don't find a need to hinge the major premise of the book on this alleged apparition, although if authentic certainly adds more detail.

I feel no need to argue one way or another concerning this issue. There are many strong arguments for and against these alleged apparitions and I encourage those interested to do their own investigation on the matter. It is interesting to note however that the recent findings of the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje have deemed the first apparitions as being credible. "In particular, they believe that they “can affirm with reasonable certainty that the first seven apparitions are intrinsically credible, as they were capable of arousing in those who experienced them a reawakening of faith, a conversion of their way of life, and a renewed sense of belonging to the Church.” This certainly gives more credibility to the author's emphasis on how Medugorje fits into the big picture.

The Prophecies

Many of the quotes in the book are from a Brazilian, Pedro Regis who has claimed to have received messages from Our Lady in Angüera, Brazil. The author of the book claims that he is a legitimate seer but I have been unable to find any reliable evidence as to his status in his own diocese. If anyone has information please post it in the comments below this post. In reading the messages they never appear to contradict any Catholic teaching and seem to emphasize the same urgent call to uphold the faith and to stop sinning as to avoid serious consequences. Here are a couple of quotes, "Take care of your spiritual life. Do not lose Heaven. Love and defend ye the truth. Announce Jesus to all My poor children. Those who know the truth and sow error will lose the Grace of God. Repent and serve the Lord faithfully. God is in a hurry." "Do not turn away from prayer. Only by the power of prayer can you bear the burden of trials to come. Stay away from the world and live turned toward the things of Heaven. Bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. The cross will be heavy for the faithful. The Church must follow the example of My Son Jesus and have as its preferential option the salvation of souls."

A large part of the book deals with 'The Great Chastisement' of which the most violent part of supposedly falls between 2020 and 2038. Great news right? There are some eery passages quoted from several credible seers which seem to have predicted some of what we have already witnessed or seem to be witnessing at this time. For example, Venerable Magdalene Porsat in 1843 predicted upcoming worldwide financial calamity, universal bankruptcy, and a universal revolution more severe than the French Revolution. Other events are also covered such as the 'Three Days of Darkness'. I do appreciate the effort the author has made to quote his sources, although some of them are not helpful. For example, I have been trying for years to find where Padre Pio has endorsed the Three Days of Darkness. The sources cited for Padre Pio's endorsement is the author's own inner locution and a website that is no longer in existence. (Page 413) Unless I missed a source in the book, my search for a reliable quote from Padre Pio concerning the Three Days of Darkness continues!

Other upcoming events that are predicted in the book include a nuclear detonation in New York City (2020, early 2021), a major war with China, worldwide civil chaos, the destruction of the Vatican, and major calamity within the Church. Another thing that I find puzzling in the book is the denial that Pope Francis has had anything whatsoever to do with the confusion in the Church. Although not much attention is given to him he is viewed as the Pope who holds the Church together during this storm of the upcoming chastisement. I will not get into the controversies of Pope Francis here. This section of the book gets into some other details as to the elements of the chastisement including loss of the power grid, the changing of the global polarization, major floods, and other disasters that will take place over the next 15 to 20 years.

There is also attention given to another controversial apparition, Garabandal. Interestingly enough one of the seers claims that public Masses will be stopped. In fact, this old video at minute 9:40 has the interview which claims that churches will be closed everywhere! Chilling indeed. Finally, after 2038 and the conquest of the new Catholic Monarch, the book claims there will be a great period of peace for the world and the Church. This age extends from 2038 to the 2380s which will lead to the final seventh age where the rise of the 'Anti-Christ' comes about along with the conversion of the Jewish people and finally ending with the return of Christ.

Conclusion and Summary

While this book is certainly an interesting read, and a page-turner, in my opinion, it should be read with some discretion. With everything going on and spending a lot of time at home, it is an intriguing read. I will say that for those interested in Marian apparitions and private locutions it is a worthwhile investment for the sheer volume of quotes and sources. The author has certainly put some time and effort into putting this together and for that, I give him due credit. There is an immense amount of valuable information pertaining to what is going on in our time concerning the world and the Church. One thing that I can say is that all of the spiritual advice that is given as a result of examining all of these messages and locutions is that one cannot go wrong in heeding their advice.

Certainly, the sins of abortion, adultery, fornication, and materialism are sending millions of souls to hell in a handbasket, and the consequences of them are destroying our civilization. Prayer and penance are the main instruments of reparation called for by Our Lady to the faithful. Have we heeded Our Lady's warnings and have we done what she has asked of us? Most certainly not! Unfortunately, as a consequence, I believe that we will be seeing a more severe chastisement coming very soon. Will it all unfold as it has been presented in this book? That remains to be seen. No matter as to the details, one thing is certain, after our suffering, Our Lady will triumph!
