Holiness and Evangelization is the Fountain of Restoration

I watched almost all of the USCCB meetings last week in Baltimore, Maryland and was astounded by the statements and addresses given at the conference. We heard about problems in aiding the poor, about how more immigrants should be let in the country, about gun control, and how we as a body in the US should welcome the "magisterium of Pope Francis." Since when does a pope get to have his own magisterium, isn't he supposed to be a part of the living magisterium?

The bishops spoke ad-nauseum about efforts to evangelize as if the Church had never been successful at it before! Do we need really think that more workshops and more publications by the USCCB are going to present with any fruit? The USCCB ingests millions upon millions of dollars each year given by the hard-working faithful on top of government grants, yet it has failed miserably year after year in preaching the gospel for the salvation of souls. The numbers speak for themselves and it's embarrassing, to say the least.

There is one solution to every problem that was presented at this fall conference, and that is good old fashioned prayer, asceticism, and penance followed by the oral preaching of the gospel! It's that simple folks! Did the apostles wring their hands over how they were going to preach to the pagan gentiles? Did they need meeting after meeting and document after document to bring people to Christ? No, they went into the towns and preached Jesus Christ crucified and lived according to their preaching. They did not first set up soup kitchens or begin with social justice as some bishops have suggested we do. No, they preached orally the only thing that ultimately frees a man from any of these problems, the gospel of Jesus Christ! 

There is no new path to evangelization, its a delusion! The old way works just fine. It is only a lack of faith, holiness and trust in God that is lacking in today's Church that keeps it stuck in the mire of corruption and stagnation. No new document, no meeting, no synod, no new theology will offer a solution to today's most serious problems; those of abortion, contraception the destruction of the family, all which lead to poverty, hunger and human trafficking! Only once the Church returns to living and preaching the gospel can we begin to truly address today's moral chaos. The family is not being defended by those in the Church and those in the Church are not preaching Christ so that others can bring Christ into their homes! How are families going to be healed if they have not Christ in their midst through supernatural grace? 

Traditional Catholicism is not the stagnant, rigid, lifeless entity that the modernists today claim. No, it is the lifeless, stagnant, myopic arrogance of the modernist hoard that brings death to the Church and the world! The faithful are tired of giving their hard-earned money to an organization that is uninterested in promoting the true role of the Catholic Church in the world, which is to teach the faith, foster holiness in the faithful and to orally preach the gospel to the world! Holiness and evangelization is the true fountainhead of restoration. The Church has been doing this for 2000 years! Why do so many today arrogantly think they know more than the wisdom of the Saints who faced greater obstacles than any of those which we face today? We are not holier than they were, we are not smarter than they were and we certainly don't even begin to touch of their great wisdom in serving the Lord. Jesus Christ came for one main reason, and that is for the salvation of each and every one us! It's about time we started carrying out His wishes! 

Matthew J. Bellisario
